I also want to touch on a subject that has rocked the spina bifida world lately. A mom considering terminating her baby because of spina bifida. She posted asking us to comment on her poll and needless to say she was not greeted by all kindly. I tried and tried to get it off my mind but eventually visited her blog and tried to reach out to her. The good news is she is feeling good about keeping the baby. This situation brought to light a topic that I feel needs to be breached by someone. People are faced with this decision every day and it is estimated half of babies diagnosed with spina bifida are aborted. This to me says that we need to reach way out and show the world just how great these babies are! So I am going to start looking into doing something in our area. What I'm not sure, a walk for spina bifida maybe? I would really appreciate any ideas. I want to raise awareness in my community about spina bifida and let people facing this diagnosis know it's not a death sentence or even a "lousy life" sentence. Let me know if you have any ideas!
Another spina bifida mommy has been doing a "faces of spina bifida" thing on her blog this month. I want to close this with her blog page, check it out. http://www.themclellands.blogspot.com/
Of course some pics....
lanes first kiss:)
lane payton
sittin like a big boy
in his boppy